Ultima 5 – Lazarus

Produced by: Team Lazarus
Website: Ultima V – Lazarus

Ultima V: Lazarus for the Windows port of Dungeon Siege.

Ultima V: Lazarus for the OS X port of Dungeon Siege.

The manual for Ultima V: Lazarus.

The written journal of Lord British’s ill-fated expedition into the Underworld of Britannia, which event sets up the context for the story of Ultima V: Lazarus.

The text of the manual for Ultima V: Lazarus; no artwork is included with this version.

An image of the cloth map design produced for Ultima V: Lazarus. This version features Britannian Runic text.

An image of the cloth map design produced for Ultima V: Lazarus. This version features embedded English translations of the Britannian Runic text.

An image of the cloth map design produced for Ultima V: Lazarus. This version features Britannian Runic text.

An image of the cloth map design produced for Ultima V: Lazarus. This version has been stripped of any markup; it is just the map of the land.
Patches and Mods

Cheerful Dragon’s collection of bug fixes for Ultima V: Lazarus, which also includes an assortment of mods, tweaks, and adjustments that improve the new player experience.

Cheerful Dragon’s collection of German-localized bug fixes for Ultima V: Lazarus.

The Blink spell developed for Ultima V: Lazarus was buggy and unstable, and was deactivated in the final release of the mod. This patch will re-enable it.

A mod for Ultima V: Lazarus that increases the difficulty of the mod’s Easy mode.

A mod for Ultima V: Lazarus that replaces the Britannian Runic font in the game with a suitably Ultima-like English font.

A mod for Ultima V: Lazarus that will allow for the addition of custom portraits into the mod. Adobe Photoshop is required to create portraits.

A suite of tools created by Team Lazarus which will aid in the creation of additional mods for Ultima V: Lazarus.

The final German translation patch for Ultima V: Lazarus.

The final French translation patch for Ultima V: Lazarus.
One of the most high-profile remakes during its development, Ultima V: Lazarus is a Dungeon Siege-based remake of Ultima 5 led by Ian “Tiberius” Fraizer. It was completed and released in the early part of 2006.
Tiberius, for his part, went on to serve as the lead designer on Big Huge Games‘ Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, a semi-open world fantasy RPG. He was subsequently hired by BioWare Montreal (after the collapse of 38 Studios and the attendant closure of Big Huge Games), and worked as lead designer for Mass Effect: Andromeda game. He is currently at EA Motive, working on an unannounced project.
Lazarus features an enhanced and expanded musical score, additional plot elements, many new and exciting characters and side quests, as well as fully rendered cut scenes.
The project is available for download in its entirety here. In addition, there are available for download several mods, patches, and bug-fixes for it; Lazarus has spawned a modding community of its own.
You may want to add Comfortability mods (1st adds bedroll at start, 2nd bedroll & Sextant, 3rd fixes food consuption bug and 4th changes journal hotkey to bring up pocket watch instead) by UVL_Ozzy and Rogue regeneration ring causing health loss bug fix by Frilly Wumpus.
Comfortability mods : http://www.u5lazarus.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5336
Regeneration ring bug fix : http://www.u5lazarus.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5201
I will most certainly add those. Good finds!
new lazarus mod released
New spell icons mod
Replaces the generic DS spell scroll icons used by Lazarus with new ones. Item changer for games in progress also available.
Thanks Petrell — I’ll get that added to the site with the next upload batch.
Commented in the wrong section …
Anyways, i updated the download locations for my bugfixes of Ultima V Lazarus.
Find them on http://www.projectbritannia.com/forum/index.php?topic=1610.0
Cheerful Dragon
Good to hear it, Cheerful! I’ll be sure to get news up…probably tomorrow.
Not sure whether this page is checked anymore, but none of these download links are working. Any idea where i can get the mod and bugfix collection from anymore?
Well, some of the downloads still work…but it looks like EXE has been removed from the list of allowable MIME types the site can serve up. I’ll see if I can fix that.
Ok, try now. If there are any broken links still, let me know which ones specifically are broken, and I’ll add them.
Hello. Is there a mod to allow for a party of eight? Thanks.
Hi Owen…I haven’t found one as yet, so the answer may well be “no”.
The More Members Beta mod allows 8 party members and is available on this Dungeon Siege site:
I added the mod partway through my game and haven’t had any issues.
Also be sure to check out the camera mod. Greater vision distance can sped my gameplay at the cost of occasional ugliness as the fog no longer hides the partially rendered stuff or whatever. The game still chugs a bit in complex locations like Castle Brit., but no more or less than it did before.
Hello. Several of the patch and mod links are not working. I found that all of the .ZIP downloads were failing because of a mixed http/https content error. I was able to download the files by copying the link and changing http to https.
If you’d do that to this page, they should work.
I was unable to download the Modding Pack. It gave me a 403 forbidden link.
Thank you for supporting this project after all of these years!
Thanks for confirming that. I’m aware of the mixed content issues and am working to fix them as time permits.