Ultima 5 Upgrade

Produced by: Voyager Dragon
Website: Exodus Project
Website: ultima-exodus @ Bitbucket

Voyager Dragon’s upgrade for Ultima 5 that adds MIDI music to the MS-DOS version the game.

The MIDI music from the Ultima 5 Upgrade, for your listening pleasure.
Yet another brilliant upgrade from Voyager Dragon, this time for Ultima 5. These patches add MIDI music files to the MS-DOS version of the game, which had previously only been included with the Commodore and Apple ports. It also adds music to the introduction and endgame sequences, gives players the ability to quit the game from the main menu, and also adds the ability to exit the game after the endgame sequence.
At some point in the future, this upgrade package may see the addition of a VGA graphics option. As yet, however, this has not happened.
I’m not sure if the MIDI Upgrade link can be applied. The 1.0 Upgrade contains XMI midi files. They sound great in DOSBOX, especially if configured with a wavetable with a good soundfont.